Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Water Pollution

Water Pollution

The contamination of water is a huge problem everywhere; many things cause the pollution in rivers and this affect all kind of life; fauna, flora, and the human being are all included in the damaged caused by water pollution.

Water is the most important liquid necessary for the life, and also the majority part of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Nobody can imagine what would happen if the water pollution reach the third part of all the oceans in the world.

Without water, life is impossible, even the human body is compound by water; we need water to live, in all aspects, that’s why we need to take in consideration what to do in order to prevent no contamination of this necessary liquid, because is easy to contaminate, especially here in our country Dominican Republic, where people have low consideration about rivers, some people throw garbage, discharge other kind of waste, without any type of knowledge about what can occur in the near future if the rivers are polluted.

In close, it is much that we can do to protect water, some scientific say that in the future, countries will fight for water instead of petroleum as it is nowadays.

I want to share this information i found on the internet about water pollution for your consideration: 


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