Monday, August 4, 2014


When talking about shyness, we all have a person who comes to our minds. This is due to the fact that shyness is spreading all around the world. The question, then, is; are we born shy? Is it something that is in our genes? Is it something that we acquire through experience? Well, no matter the answer we should see this as a problem that affects people’s lives; in fact some people can’t even get a good job because of shyness. And furthermore, there are people whose marriages have gone to the dump as a result of shyness.
The problem is that it is kind of difficult to approach a shy person for he/she is always brushing you aside like a professional dodge ball player. When the shy person who avoids others is good looking, people use to make misattributions. They usually think that the shy person behaves that way because he feels outstanding or condescending.
Shy people do not settle for living in solitude, they want to gather others. Nevertheless, in order to best this situation, the best idea would be to make them think that the others are shy, too. If it works, they will feel more akin to the others. Then the burden of loneliness will vanish once and for all.

Well, I’ve been writing about possible solutions, however, the best solution is foreseeing the problem in children when they are little kids. Let’s try not to put them in isolation. Let them share and be what they want. If we do that, they will be so social that they’ll be able to stomach all kinds of personae. In conclusion, do not confuse shyness with personality. Some people are not shy; it’s just that they prefer not to get acquainted to people they think are inferior.