Monday, April 30, 2012


Is defined as a Chinese Philosofy which describes the elements of nature and it helps to point out the way to place the furnitures, and decorations in your home.This concept it means; Feng: wind and Shui: water.

This millenary art, look for a perfect harmony, and the equilibrium with the cosmos, besides this art  is linked to the Geomancy, which is defined as the study of the vibrational energies in The Earth.

Drugs and other addictions.

When I was younger, I used to spend hours and hours playing videogames. I remember I used to start playing videogames at six oclock until midnight. Can you believe it? I played Super Mario Bros. Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Need For Speed, God Of War, Street Fighters, Killer Instinct, and many other games no matter the console. It was an addiction but I didnt realize until a few days ago. I though I was doing the right thing because I never went out but I had no social life.

Addictions are very dangerous because they destroy your social life (friendships, marriages, relationships) your health and your family.

When you are addicted to something or you have a friend or relatives addicted to somthing is very important to ask for help as soon as possible because later it could be worst.

Feng Shui

I didnt know what Feng Shui was until a couple of weeks ago! When I heard the word for the very first time, I thought it had to deal with martial arts or something like that. Later I realized that Feng Shui is a very special tecnique used by the chinese to keep "harmony" and "balance" with the nature.

According to Wikipedia, Feng shui is a Chinese system of geomancy believed to use the laws of both Heaven and Earth to help one improve life by receiving positive “qi” or “ch'i”.  The term Feng Shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English. Surfing and reading in the internte, I found out that "Qi" (pronounced "chee" in English) is a movable positive or negative life force which plays an essential role in Feng Shui. In Feng Shui as in Chinese martial arts, it refers to 'energy', in the sense of 'life force' or élan vital. A traditional explanation of “qi” as it relates to Feng Shui would include the orientation of a structure, its age, and its interaction with the surrounding environment including the local microclimates, the slope of the land, vegetation, and soil quality. When I was younger I watched "Los Caballeros del Zodiaco" (a famous cartoon series) and they used to talk about "Qi". The higher your "Qi" is, the more powerful you are.

 I would like to know if Feng Shui tecnique really work eventhough I dont have those beautiful and expensive furmitures! I live alone and I am planning to change all the furmiture and follow all the tips. I will remove to the bathroom the mirrors I have  in my bedroom and in the livingroom. I am looking forward of painting the whole house with a new and nice color but first I should keep reading information about this Chinese tecnique. What are we waiting for!!!?? Lets put it in practice and tell me if you feel any difference!!

Toast to the tap: The water we drink.

In the past, people used to drink water from the faucet but nowaday it is very dangerous to drink water from the faucet because it has many impurities.

Selling water on the street with little trucks is a very good business because people are afraid of drinking water from the faucet. They say that the water that is sold in these little trucks or "camioncitos" is treated and it has less bacterias. It is better for some people because they have money to buy the water, but some people dont even have money to buy food and they have to use and drink water from the faucet (it is not a good idea) eventhough they dont die or get sick.

 There are many polluted rivers and some water treatment plants dont work properly, so I think that people shouldnt drink tap water. They should do the chores (cooking, washing, mopping, cleaning, ironing) with that type of water. In order to keep healthy, we should know where the water we drink comes from. We should all drink potable water such as: Planeta Azul, Dasani and other recognized water treatment plants.

I live in Pantoja. We have no problems with tap water because Isabela river is very close to us. Besides, We have our own water treatment plant and we have those "camioncito de agua" selling us water all the day but we dont buy any kind of water! We know which water to buy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


About this baby room, I think is a great option since i don´t think Baby would bother anyone having such a beatifull room, but I think i have to start working hard NOW.
What about the living room? isn´t it perfect? I want it but I´m afraid Feng Shui is for people with money, don´t you think? Ohhh Professor Pimentel!!! Why didn´t youu skip this lesson? Now I don´´t want to go home. Im Already dreaming with that bedroom.


Last day I was surfing the web when i suddenly read someting saying; ¨Lets boycott bottle and turn on the tap¨ asking people to drink tap water since it is cheaper, and besides that the it is going keep the planet healthier, since they are not going to be using botle that last almost forever to decompose. and that the United States throw 30 millions of bottles DAILY. I wide opened my eyes and saikd that it would be great if could do the same at DR. That idea is wonderfull since I´m comitted to save my planet, but, can we say the same at DR? I think we can´t because if we dare to drink our tap water I´m afraid we are going to spend out life away from home, or from this life. I have a dream and it is that in a near future we could say ¨Let´s boycutt the bottled water and turn on the tap¨ THE CHOICE IS IN OUR HANDS.

Feng Shui

The energy of freshness is much emphasized in a good feng shui environment, be it a home, a gardenor an office. We use the word fresh a lot in our daily life, mostly referring to visible things. We say 'fresh apples' or 'fresh faces', 'fresh from the oven' or 'fresh from college'. 

Do you know how to distinguish fresh energy, though? Something not so visible to the naked eye? And, even more importantly, do you know how to create and maintain fresh feng shui energy (Chi) around you? 

Before we start exploring the many ways to clear and refresh the energy of your home, let me mention another quality of energy that has to be there for you. Gentleness and kindness go hand in hand with freshness; one cannot create fresh beautiful energy if the gentleness is missing. 

This might sound strange, but give it just a bit of thought, and you will realize that without kindness no genuine freshness is possible. And yes, it starts with you. When you are kind to yourself and those near you - be it people, animals, plants (even your alarm clock early in the morning!) - you help spread the most healing energy there is. 

And now, let's go explore how you can quickly refresh the energy in your house with one simplespace clearing session! Let's also look into the use of air-purifying plants, crystals and essential oils to help maintain fresh & vibrant energy. 

Happy Earth Day! 

April, 24, Revolution's Day

Today, we celebrate the 47th  Revolution Anniversary 
that took place in a few neihgborhoods of Santo Domingo
 by Alberto Caamaño Deño, and the 14-J party, because
 The President Juan Bosch had been overthrown.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fen Shui

Fen Shui is a simple question that can be difficult to answer.It is is an ancient art and science developed a lot of years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to make sure the health and good fortune for people who handle it. if we want to make a good use of Fen Shui,for example in our bedroom we must put everything in order. In remodeling our house, Fen shui should be used with the biggest attention so that you can breath an air of harmony. your house needs a good energy just like you need good quality air,it is important to be aware of the quality of fen shui energy created in your house and see what you can do to create a better energy. Start with cleaning and rearraging your house completely so you can feel the difference around you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tap water

Tap Water is the water we have to drink,the water from the foucet.
We all can't survive without that important element or liquit.Water is
life and we use it in everythings.
Water plays an important role in our daylife.I had read in my book of english
that nearly three quarter of the earth surfaceis covered with water .

We all know that there are some countries that spend years wethout rain and
it couce severals damages in their daylife;how can a person survive without water.
We can be alive many weeks without food,but without water we only can be alive
for three days.Water is the most important element in the world.

TO have tap water in Dom. Republic is like to get a cocacola inthe midel of a desert.
We've never had tap water in my country(Dom Rep).Our governmentsaid that we have
tap water in our country.It is a real desaster,the water we take from the foucet in our co-
untry is complitely contaminate and have many bacterial pollutants.

The water we have from the foucet is unfit for the humans cosumption.This water is totaly
contaminate, the pipes are always breaks and derty.Nowaday we're paying the most expensive
water around the world.Some companies only have tap water,they sell it in plastic containes.

To have tap water first we need to treat it with a water treatment plant.We can't cook,take a bath or even drink it .

Sunday, April 15, 2012

For years I heard from several people the situation that we are passing by reason of the drinking water always ere with the result, and equal, there is no money to repair the systems of distributions, there is no budget to solve the sea that does not suffer, but you're always money for other nonsense that usually are not common problem for the population if not for their personal convenience or for part of the population who don't really need.


Good night, and today i will talk about drinking water from the Dominican Republic. The water in my country has been a serious problem for their population. The water arriving on the  faucet  this contaminated without treatment and without any processes locally. Our governments need to have more attention to this problem; we have a system very old and pipe fittings. You have to do big change in the same of faucet.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This is an open topic,be bold and bashful people.So i'm going to talk about bashful people.
At first sight ,bashful mean a very shy,timid,introvert person.
Shyness is a big obstacle to professionaland for our social growth.
Ashy person gets nervous all the time and experinces hight anxiety when he or she is in front of people or in some social activities,eventhought she has a friend in the mentioned activity.
A shy person is very introvert ,that kind of person doesn't like to participate in anything about,she keep quiet always.When a person like that has involve in some conversation she keep aloof from other people all the time.
That shyness can cause severals damages principally in her professional life and can stop her skils and knowlege.
Been shy is a serious problem,think of having an intervew to get a job,making friendsor your prifessional growth. Nobody is going to get any goal in life,because a shy person is not going to develop in her day life.
They are always negative,standoffishand reserved people around the world.


This is an exitinng topic;the mayority of people wish to be in that stage(one hundred years).
First old age is marvelous because the person who has more than one hundred year(100)has espirienced so many things in his day living.
Here in Dominican Repúblic old oeople have beenseen as the and of life.
Bigining with our goberment,that he doesn't pay attention to this kind of problem.I've never heard that the any goberment has invested money to this people.He doesn't build an especial place to take care of this kind of peopleWe all know that the goberment invest money in not prioritythings.Instead of having a little New York we need a person who solve the principal problems we have in our country.
This is a serious problem,i don't know the day when a goberment has the sensivility to people who need help;this stage of life need protection from other.
Changing the idea,there are many factors that influence on longevity like:
genetic, exercise,good nutrition,educational level,quality of medical care,
and be cheerful.
Now a day there are many elderly people around the world who make different activities like:swimming,traveling,walking,having joga.
All of these activities help the people from that stage to keep their body in shape.


To biging talking about this topic first,we need to know the meaning of
Adiction in my oun opinion is a psychological disorder in wich the brain of a person change drastically.
In the past,i red in my english book;addictions were viewed such as alcohol,drugs and nicotine.
I have begun to think that many people can also be addicted to other activities like:sex,shopping,traveling,watching tv,talking,coffee,cola,bambling and even the computer use.
This activity has become common throughtout the world.
Now a day 60% of people are addicted to social network too;they are overusing the net everyday life.Chat room is other web page that has many disadvantage because most of the people spend their time in chat room.But,there are other who use the net in a right way commiunicating with his relative,friends etc.
To fight this illness we need to do healthy activities like:take a walk,share with my oun family,visiting some park,going to a social meeting,camping,visiting our parents,going to see a good movie and relax our mind most of the time.I would like to have an online support to help these people who are inmersed in any addiction especific cibersex and other web pages.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bold People

Many bold people need to seek psichological help, because sometimes commit errors and can lose friends, their jobs or some of their families.

In many cases those people are the life of the party, these caracteristics help them to get good opportunities in live, but the same characteristics sinks them.