Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Feng Shui

Feng Shui

It is a Chinese cultural art practiced for many years; the purpose is to create spaces that transmit positive energy, and peaceful places, and balance between the people and their houses.

Feng shui means wind and water, that’s why people try to reflect this kind of combination in their places to live, because it means freedom and quietness. 

Feng shui is very popular around the world; many people have a strong belief on it. It’s common to visit places, especially apartments, and offices using this kind of art, as part of their concept; the location, the position, and the design are component of this philosophy.

Many people recognize the benefits of this Chinese culture, architects, designers, etc., because of the harmony and the good energy that is called Ch’i.

In my own opinion, feng shui provide a better quality of life and help with the stress that people get during the day, depending on what they do, because if someone works in an office, he or she can deal with the occupation hazard whether the environment inside is arranged according to feng shui standards. 

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