Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The world of cults

The world of cults

What is cult? In my own opinion, cult is passion, a strength devotion that people feel for something, no matter what, It may be religiously, for an important or famous person, a rock band, a brand, etc.

Cult may be seen as a huge idolatry, some people follow doctrines that can be dangerous and sometime react with acts of violence, as it is in Asia e.g.

The concept of cult is developed in group of people under the same beliefs, they meet and share their affections and cultural likes. People meet in churches, this is the most known kind of cult, the love of God; other exert cult sports, or cult of personality, such as Elvis Presley, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, and so on.

In the bottom line, I can say that everybody practice a kind of cult, for example, if you like to read, you may have a favorite writer, that’s why you find information about he or she, you interact with others who have the same interest, and share everything you like about it.

Here are the Five Most Dangerous Cult in the World, check this information, is very interesting.


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