Tuesday, May 19, 2015


When i read this topic i liked very much because, some people don't believe in this thing. But i believe in the world of cults. I have some experience about that, for example: 3 years ago my grand-mother died and 15 days after she died, i saw her in from of my bed, i was scared out of one's wits because, i saw my grand-mother after she died. In this moment i wsa  sleepling with my parents but they couldn't see nothing. The other experience that  happened me was in my neighborhood 6 years ago. My neighbor was find drowned in his bathroom. this was very bad for me, when i saw my best neighbor drowned. I couldn't sleep by a lot of time, his face was in my mind all the time. I still frustrated i cant't forget this horrible day. The last thing that happened me was was in the hospital, i was attending my mother, she was sick. In the first night that i was with my mother, all the people were sleeping and i needed go to the bathroom, when finally i decided go, i saw something with white clothes, i was scared and i ran quickly for the room. this was another bad experience for me. I can tell that believe in the world of cult because i have live this experience.

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