Tuesday, May 19, 2015

the oldest old

The oldest old:
A look at centenarians:
I have to be honest, people who get that age or approximate of it deserves an award because few people turn in that age.
Longevity has been a source of fascination for millenniums. Over the course of human history, many secrets have been revealed. Many studies have been done around this. Longevity has been influenced by many factors.  The most recent researches have referred to as lifestyle, genetics and heritage.
1. A Positive Attitude
Centenarians people have to have a good positive attitude. The self esteem is the base for those people. Really they must feel optimist throughout all lives and know how to face problems looking at them positively

2. Diet:
They must be analytical at eating. Not all food is supposed to be eaten, only eating food in moderation and eating healthy such as vegetables and avoiding junk food is the key to become centenarian

3. Exercise:
Exercise is something important because help their bodies to feel more active. Workout improve the locomotive of all body. Over 90 percent of centenarian people used to play sports that help to revitalize their body and increase their selfesteem to live longer.

4. Faith 

Faith is something remarkable because if you don’t trust in a god and keep the faith you are going to leave longer that’s a way to overcome any barrier in life. Centenarian must be sure of a almighty god who takes care of them.

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