Sunday, December 4, 2016

What to say about spiritual renewal?🤔

A little testimony.

For decades people always have been involved in many forms of spiritual renewal. People do fasting, people do spiritual retreats, and so on. Not only in order to God forgive the sins and also for be blessed with wishes they have.

In my case I've been participated of some spiritual retreats...

A couple of years ago I was very negative and pessimistic about life, I wasn't very sociable neither; I didn't  care nothing around me.
On March 30th 2014, I went to a spiritual retreat for a few days called "Felipe" at  Catholic Church from my neighbourhood, which had for purpose to integrate into the church community.
We talked about various topics such as love of God, sin, salvation, and so on. Also participatory activities were fostered to implement those issues.

The spiritual retreat in that occasion was as necessary for my interior life as water!

It was something wonderful!
That retreat helped me a lot and a big challenge was produced on me. I also was selected for participate into church  community which we met on wednesday at 7ó clock to talk about God word . Since then I have a more positive attitude and I always try to have positive thoughts about life.

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