Monday, December 12, 2016

feng shui

Feng Shui 

I´ve never heard before about feng shui.So I didn´t know anything about it.
According to the reading about feng shui,l can say that feng shui is an ancient chinese tradition of organization in our living enviroment or an art of alining things in order to create harmony and good luck in that space.

Feng Shui expert recomend to practice feng shui,because it is a good way of getting new and positive energy.they also have a meaning for each special thing.For example,water always simbolizes wealth and abundance,on the other hand feng shui theory said that,there is an invisible life force or energy that we can´t see,called chi(¨chee¨) that soround through all our things such as rooms,buildings,people,hills and  rivers.

finally in my personal opinion I frown upon feng shui as a mere superstition,I don´t believe feng shui even I practice some form of organization, but not really feng shui.

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