Monday, December 5, 2016

waiting for the tipping point ? do it yourself !

Resultado de imagen para tipping pointDominican Republic is well known for its natural diversity, its people ,its beaches,its history, something that we should be proud about , on the other hand it is also known for its corruption, its crime , its polluted streets and its commerce disorder. the first one produces such amount of money that every citizen could live honestly without preocupations but regarding the others facts that shades our society this incoming is not distributed as expected.

our society needs to be re-formed, and it is something that could not be done by the goverment neither the mass , nor the highclass could change a whole society , it must be done by the citizen itself, small changes cause a big change. you want a clean street, stop littering and you will get it, you want to stop the corruption, start being honest and you will get it, you want an organized society , organize your house and you will get it.

start changing yoursel and the ones around you will change as well.

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