Saturday, June 22, 2013


             What i will write basing on an interview i saw last week SIN news. I just remember some lines but still i expose  what i understood is about addiction.

           The mayority of young people who are in that state feel able to do whatever they want, lose the love of the studies. The compulsive need to consume more end more drugs makes the person a vulnerable, who deseases affects biological, psychological,  physical, and social factors. Addiction can be both to substances such activities. It is devide into two group: the first group have drugs, snuff, alcohol, marihuana, crack, among others.; the second group are food, axersise,  pornography, video games, internet, etc.

         According to some doctors are drugs that cause depressing effects, some are hallucinogenic, a person searches substances different life style. The mayority of the young people who have addiction stolen their own mother for buy substance detrimental for the health.Well advised ower children, let"s give confidence and be their best friends that is not going to fail and tomorrow we will know where and with whom they are.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well my comment about addiction is what i hear on the news, and if you read it you could actually notice that mentions SIN.
