Monday, July 15, 2013

Toast to the tap:The water we drink

The water is the liquid most important for the human life,because you can life for weeks without food, but only days without water.
Not life we know of can survive without water.We need it, we all drink it and without water we would not exist.
Some doctors recommend to drink about eight glasses of water each day, because they think it is good for the health.
In my opinion the water is the most beautiful tha God has given us to survive.
We must careful the type of water we drink because there are many bacteria that can cause us death, potable water is the best for drinking and it keeps your body healthy.

finally,I prefer a glass of water to a soda or juice,because for me the water is the same as health.
The water tasters are   very important in a country, because they determined that water is in good condition for drinking.

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