Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Toast to the tap: The water we drink.

Poison in the well.
This song is a reflection of the reality lived in some cities of the United States,where the water is not good enough for people to drink it, but at the same time authorities are not doing anything about solving the situation for the citizens. Even though  the song is referring to the water being poisoned,the real message that the singer is trying to communicate is that authorities, in many of the cases, do not take the responsibility of facing an adverse situation like this,they hide the accurate information  instead , trying to make people believe that the problem is not serious and that there is nothing to worry about. That is to say that the song "Poison in the well" is a very good example of inappropriate manners from the jurisdiction, that not only occur  in small countries like ours , but also in advanced countries like the United States and some others. This behavior is very common  in Dominican Republic, here we are used to see authorities giving us the run around and telling us that they are working on the issue, they actually give us a timeframe for a resolution, but the truth is that they are just being well paid for not doing what they are supposed to. Therefore we have to be all the time with our eyes wide open, not letting the power of authorities mute us, because when something is wrong it´s wrong, so we have the power of saying it out loud, and try to make other aware of that,since we don´t need fancy words, we need Actions!.

1 comment:

  1. Good. I agree with you, Johanna.
    Sometimes our authorities do not assume their responsibility and the worst thing is they know the problem and promise to solve but never do it.
    About the song, water is a key component in determining the quality of our lives, so if the water is poisoned, how could be our lives?
