Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lost Souls: The World of Cults

                                  Realities about Religions

        Every human being has a natural need for believing in something or someone. That need, however, makes human beings vulnerable towards religions.  People pursue things that they understand they lack. Such as:  happiness, inner peace, prosperity, security and so on... Religions promote things people need therefore people feel that touched. For example, if there is a person who is suffering a lot and that person happens to hear about a religion that says "Stop Suffering” then, it is obvious that the person will feel anxious to attend to that congregation. That is one of the knack! But, people end up feeling the same or even worse because there are a lot of religion leaders who scam people. They pressure people to do what they want with such astuteness that their members feel guilty if they do not it. 

    Most of the time people tend to believe in or follow a religion due to culture or tradition. They do not take into consideration righteousness nor equality. There are religions that establish rules and dogmas which are very unrighteous and also against equality and sanity. Some religions dogmas devalue women and that is not correct. There are a lot of people who follow a religion they do not have a reason for. They just do it because of tradition even though, they do not sense believing in that. But, what do people have a critical mind for? Human beings have the capacity to discern between good and evil. This is to say that religions most of the time stunt people's capacity. There are things that are wrong and people do it because their religion permits them to do that, on the other hand, there are things that people should do but they do not do it because their religion does not tell them to do that. There is a religion that people worship their god by smoking, but everybody knows that smoking is a bad and disgusting habit which harms health.

Many religion leaders take advantage of people's faith. They use God's name whereby they touch people's hearts to make them be their victims. When Jesus was on earth, he never took advantage of people. He never used his leadership to scam people. He preached a Gospel based on Love, Justice, righteousness and equality. His doctrine was not based on tradition but on God's Will; sans malice.  Everyone was amazed by his doctrine and actions. He taught with his example and impeccable way of living how to be a Christian. People usually choose a religion to have an excuse of doing what they want. But they actually deceive themselves because a person is not saved through his religion but the way he lives. For everyone shall be judged by his actions not by his religion. This is why everybody has to consult the bible in order to know how to obey God.

      As a conclusion, God does exist and therefore He is the only way to find salvation. If everybody sought Him, then everyone would be saved. Religions does not the trick but seeking God! Religions most of the time are about people's opinion, on the contrary, the Holy Bible is about God's opinion. God is the King of kings and The Lord of lords, so we cannot expect that he will get used to us but we have to get used to him in order to fit in with heaven. In my humble opinion, I think that we have to focus on God and His Word, not letting our criteria and opinions interfere but allowing God to guide us and teach us his perfect will and everything will be alright for no one knows more about Salvation than the Savior (Jesus Christ).   

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