Thursday, July 18, 2013

Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West.

Well, I was looking information about the meaning of Feng Shui and I could found that it is an oriental discipline that is practiced for thousands of years in China. Its also a system of controlling the energy of our environment by encouraging healthy energy. So, now I am going to show you some pictures, which describe all the meaning of Feng Shui:

And here, I going to show you a video TAKEN FROM YOUTUBE, which is explaining some tips that people should do in their house.

10- Keep your windows clean.
9- Replace your light bulbs.
8- Tighten doors knobs.
7- Get rid of dead plants.
6- Keep toilet lid down.
5- Clean underneath bed.
4- Keep your mirrors clean.
3- Have a clearly marked entry.
2- Fix all leaks and drips.

Published by: Domingo Matos D.


  1. Thank you very much Domingo. Now I understand what feng shui is.

  2. My pleasure!!I hope you put it into practice.

  3. Thanks a lot my friend.Now I have a better understanding of Feng Shui.I have to say that I did not have the faintest idea about Feng Shui so that means that I know something new and I like it and also that there will always be something to learn, as long as we are alive.

  4. I think that after learning about Feng shui, we should all start implementing it into our lives, homes and so on.

  5. Honestly, when I was surfing on the net,immediately I could understand the meaning of Fung shui,because all pages I found it were very explanatory. Thanks a lot for commenting!!
