Thursday, July 25, 2013

Feng Shui Around The World

Hello guys I want to share a brief information about feng shui with you.

The meaning of feng shui:*wind and water** this is an ancient form of geomancy, or the art of arranging the physical surroundings to create harmony and good luck in Chinese and where ever feng shui is practiced.

The theory of feng shui:*Invisible force or energy called ch´i (chee) * 
The theory behind Feng Shui is that a life force flows through all things, buildings, hills, rivers, power lines and people, and the manipulation of the force through the proper orientation of physical structures and placement of objects can enhance a person’s wealth and good fortune. 

The origen of feng shui:*feng shui is a very old tradition to the Chinese**It was developed about 3,000 years ago Feng shui grew out of the practical experience of farmers in southern Chinese. Those who built their hurts facing north were battered by the wind and dust from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia.
In constrat, those who built their huts facing south enjoyed the warmth of the sun and protection from the wind.

The spread of feng shui:*today the work of feng shui masters is in great demand among Chinese populations in Taiwan,Singapore,Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Philippines. It is estimated than nearly 85% of Hong Kong residents apply feng shui principles when choosing an apartment or business. The ancient art has emigrated to the west. And many books about feng shui are being published in the United States. People appeal to the masters to get some advices about how are they going to set any building or any object at home.

Feng shui: Is becoming more and more popular in countries far away from China or Chinese influence, it is worth looking at its history and understand how feng shui started and why feng shui is bringing such powerful results when properly applied.

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