Sunday, July 21, 2013

The bold and the Bashful

I have to tell you a secret( do not tell anybody about it) about  my personality, you might not believe what I'm going to tell you.I realized that I was  a very  timid boy when I was 12 years old in 7th grade in elemental school, once I was aware of my problem, I understood why many things did not work out for me before, because I simply did not say anything and let things happen without even complaining or asking for things that were supposed to be for me or that it was my right and so day I understood that I did not had the right attitude towards many things and that I was the architect of my  own future and that if I keep going like this, I was going nowhere, so I said to myself again : why do I have to be shy? why ? and I said to myself that  I am not compelled to be like that and I made the big decision to change, to start talking, asking questions and to enjoy life(not in a wrong way like Jonathan)the way it is.After that radical change, I have to say that things have been better and improving constantly because I  know myself more and I am more independent.when people say something about me I analyse it and if they are right I say thanks a lot but if they are wrong I completely overlook  that.Today I am an open person a 100 percent and constantly growing. when I see or know bashful people I love to tell them my testimony  because that can change their lives too.I tell them that they are in a prison that they have created themselves and that they are the only ones that can solve it, and the how is by freeing themselves,changing their minds and they way the behave and to live life to the fullest because life is only one.if you are facing this problem and you want to talk to someone, Here I am and I will help you to the fullest as much as I can.

David Acosta R

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