Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bold and Bashful

Sometimes we tend to associate a shy person with a negative one. It is totally false.
A shy person has many difficulties in talking to people, expressing feelings, making friends and so on. But it does not mean that a shy person can not be a leader, a good friend or an excellent student.

In the other hand, we have the outgoing and sociable person. Extroverted ones sometimes have more problems in everyday life than shies ones. My point of view is based in the fact that many of them have very high self- esteem, they bullying others and in most of the cases they are condescending. People feel afraid of sharing with them because most of them are not humble.

Every day there is a sun and a moon, light and darkness, life is a balance. We have to love the differences and try to learn of others. I am very sociable but I tolerate the personality of my friends and relatives. I have learned that over-confidence is not good at all.

In conclusion, if you are friendly do not see others as inferiors. Introvert does not mean pessimist and extrovert does not mean positive. Remember that sometimes it has to deal with culture and family background. Every person has something new for us, let's discover it.

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