Sunday, March 8, 2015

I want to share with you people this poem taken from the internet about the advantages and disadvantages of being old : For my poems, my friend Valsa George has a hunger. She’s over fifty, but, compared to me, she is younger. She suggested I write about ‘the advantages of being old’. It’s a challenge, but, Valsa, on this idea you have sold...... me. I – The Advantages Retirement income though you’re done working. [Why, now, are some of you readers smirking? ] No alarm clocks waking you for your job. More time to lie around a slob. No more eight hour shifts sitting or standing. No boss watching you closely, being demanding. No more rush-hour five times a week. NO customers to ‘grease’ so they won’t ‘squeak’. NO children to raise and feed and clothe. No need to help with homework which you did loathe. NO need for razor or make-up five days a week. NO need to be pushy when you’re really meek. No pressure to stay fit by going each week to gym. No pressure to diet stay slim. No deciding “Who’s on top tonight? ” when libido goes. MORE time now for computer and for late TV shows. More time for those novels you’ve meant to read. More time to enjoy your garden and more time to weed. More time to buy lottery tickets at the Seven-Eleven. Less time to wait for The Judgment..... which may see you to Heaven. J ........................................ .......................... [BUT, I can’t help it, Valsa; I’ve got to write more. Now about DISadvantages 'you' can also look for. Of course not all people are equal; you may suffer more than me! Give us a few more years of growing old and... We... May... See.] ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………. II – The Disadvantages Though you may have income, it may not be enough, and if your pension plan can get really tough. Money worries and new pains insomnia may cause. It may be a losing battle for you against the 'Laws.... of Nature'! Now hemorrhoids can cause sitting to be much less than fun. Bad knees don’t allow standing, let alone allow you to run. Your partner may now become your new UNwelcome boss. Missing your daily commute may seem like a sad loss. Grandchildren or even children may come “home to roost”. They may become a nuisance....which once had been a “boost”. Now your face and neck (and other parts) begin to sag; over your head you now may wish to place a bag. You skip the gym and the diet, but now your body begins to riot. And when out of shape it’s hard to get back...”in”. Just try it! You don’t mind and may even enjoy when you lose the urge for sex, but your partner may not be prepared for the change....and may become your “ex”. You may have time now, but have lost what’s needed for reading. You may have all kinds of will, but no way to do the work of weeding. Lottery tickets may give you hopes, but allow your debts to swell. AND now you’re CLOSER to The Judgment.....and you may go to Hell! ! L

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