Monday, March 23, 2015

Teenagers´ Internet Addiction

                                                 Teenagers´ Internet Addiction

Internet is an excellent tool people can use to make their lives easier. I believe, internet can be useful for many things, such as, getting in touch with old friends and family, giving you access to important information, managing your business, and so on. But, the fact is that people are not using the internet the right way, especially teenagers.

I work at a school as an English teacher, and you cannot imagine the struggles we, teachers, have to deal with every day concerning this peculiar and controversial matter. The authorities of the school have decided to prohibit the usage of cellphones in the classrooms, but students use them anyways. Since they are not supposed to carry or use their cellphones in class, we, teachers, have the authority to take their cellphones away, and to give them back to their parents at the end of the day. However, these methods we have been implementing, haven´t caused any positive reaction in our students.

The moment a teacher takes a cellphone from one of the students, the moment that teacher gets into trouble. It seems like they can´t live without it. Students start misbehaving, stop showing respect, and stop paying attention to the class. Those reactions make me believe that internet is not being used the right way. The problem is that teachers are not the only ones who are supposed to teach students good manners, and that everything in this life has its time. This is something parents should also pay attention to, but instead of trying to correct these attitudes, parents encourage their children to keep portraying them with the lack of interest and attention they pay to them.

Some parents think that the reactions mentioned above are normal because of the age of their children. But, what they don’t know is that if they do not educate their children in this area, they may be raising an addicted and antisocial person.

Virginia Mateo.              

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