Friday, June 27, 2014


Botled water isn't really better than tap water. According to a chemists dominican group who carried out a research about the drinking water we use; they concluded that tap water when is boiled is better for drinking than botled water because they realized that tap water even boiled contains the mineral our body needs instead botled water hasn't those minerals. They describe botled water as a kind of gas that we drink for its good flavour, but they added that the flavour is less important in comparison to the good healthy state people need. so eventhough, boiled tap water is heavy to drinks, it's more convenient than the other one. 

Nowaday, in many countries including u.s tap water is drinkable.But also, in D.R. specifically in the 90s people drank water from the faucet and nothing happened, but now that is imposible because our enviroment including the water is polluted. And we have the false because we ourselves don't care throwing trash on the street, since that some people have not been cultured yet to stop doing that.  However, both guiltys and innocents are suffering the consequenses. On the other hand, what Iam trying to say in other words is; that we need to be aware about what is the role we have to play in order to live a better life.


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