Wednesday, June 11, 2014

In regards to addiction

Note: This blog contains comments in regards to my spiritual believes, if you don’t like it, well, I’m not going to change to please you. :P

You know? I get it, I truly do get it, being hooked in front of a T.V., expend more than three hours seeing the display of perfect mementos from someone else’s life and pressing the ‘like’ button of facebook just to satisfy that person’s need of approval and ours of maybe fitting into their circle.

I get it, I truly get it, being unable to just expend one single day without caffeine in your body, because, let’s be honest my friends, that stuff tastes like a bite from heaven and it only takes a few minutes to make; it gives you the high boost of abundant energy that your lazy body does not want take naturally from a hour of exercise because it will mean to put too much effort into it and sacrifice 30 minutes of sleep.

“‘Be strong and courageous’ says the Lord your God”, the reason why I love this verse so much it’s because it is a constant reminder that life it is not meant to be easy, it is not meant to end as in a fairy tale but it represents a path of necessary struggles to shape our characters, our whole personas yet those struggles are, indeed, what we truly hate therefore we want to make it nice and easy for our passing through this life.

Coffee, technology, food, etc. these things are our own cowardly way to escape what we cannot escape from, our reality, and our responsibilities. Now, don’t believe for a minute that I’m an ‘anti-fun’ girl, that’s not true.
I do find the above mentioned things quite entertaining but –just like with everything else- when we try to overlap reality and submerge into hollow things, guess what? It is going to backfire.

It is very easy to create a new habit, very simple just to give in into whatever temptation we might be vulnerable to fall into with the alluring promise behind it of easiness and pleasure and the ‘it will be just this time’ type of excuses that comes to our minds at those moments, but truly, how can we get out? Can we do it? Can we seriously, just stop being an addict? The answer is yes and no…

In an AA group meeting (alcoholics anonymous group), they will always start admitting that they have a problem and how much it takes them not to fall back. For these people, every day is a battle and every night that they stay clean means victory.

Breaking free is not impossible but it will take the will-power and determination to say 'no' every day.

Ironic, isn’t it? We create addictions to escape from our reality and at the end we have to fight against such things to keep us in tune with reality.