Thursday, February 7, 2013

Addiction, in medicine is known as the need to take a harmful drug because you are addicted to it.
In other hand addiction is a strong desire to have or do something regularly, the most of the times this desire is difficult to stop.

We can find addiction at any point of the society, many adolescents, young, and adults has been trapped by this scourge, there is a huge list of substances viewed primarily as addictions; substances such as drugs, alcohol, and nicotine are considered as the most dangerous poison that can affect the entire society, however people can also be addicted to activities such as sports, computers, internet, shopping, and travel.

The internet is one of the activities that have become very common through the world, even though it is a great and powerful communication tool it is well known that many people have begun overusing the net and are spending hours and hours on line.

The big issue of the internet addiction is that people don´t realized when they are becoming addict, it seems to be harmless, but we need to be aware of the damages it can cause. So let us keep away from any addictions.

Keep save!

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