Monday, November 7, 2011

Old Age

Old Age

In our country , old people do not have the necessary attention. They are treated like unimportant people, they can not get a job, some of them can not afford their medicines, food, clothes, etc.

Dominicans do not care about elders. For these reasons, elders face their new stage in a bad way, they get into a depression which get them down. Most of them prefer to be dead in step of living as a stone in the path.

Being elder in our society is not easy, day by day the rejection against old people is increasing and there are more people neglected by family, friends, spouse, etc. They are abandoned because dominicans think that being old is the worst.


1 comment:

  1. OLD AGE

    People who live more than one hundred years are considered centenarians. Old age is a period of declination, flexibility and lack of mental abilities. A time of loneliness in which the elder needs the care of those who love him/her.

    Old age presents changes that limit the movility of the elder, but sometimes, old age doesn't necesarily means limit of movility. There are a lot of elders who keep a movil and an active life.
    I know a 90 years old man who has a really active life.He moans his own and neighbors' yard. He walks long distance every day. He has very joyous life. His strength and longivity is attributed to his hard work and good sense of humor.
