Monday, May 16, 2011


The water supplied in Santo Domingo you can call it anything, except drinking water. Daring to drink water from the tap is a real risk for your health. For that reason, people prefer to buy bottled water to drink or to prepare the foods. As a consecuence, families have to spend every month a considerable amount of money from their limited salaries to satisfy this need. Besides, not in all the neigborhoods  people have the luck  to have tap water at home. Dwelers of many communities have to buy all of the water they need, and in many cases, they have to carry it from a long distance to home. That is to say, the public water service in those places is practically non-existent.

Needles to say that this is our country of contrasts: we have modern structures, buildings,  metro systems, however we do not have drinking water at home.

1 comment:

  1. this is one of the main problems that we have to work on, and the government should do something about it. Tap water is one of the consequences of the principles illness on children. as a matter of fact The Colera can be trasmitted through this type of water.
