Monday, July 21, 2014

the world of the cults

        Tonight at idi 324 we were talking about cults and its variety of types that exits around the globe. A cult, or charismatic group of people, is an exclusive group of people devoted to a person, principle or ideal. It could be a political, religious, or phylosophical group. They could have a diverse kinds of believes, from claiming to have secret knowledge and power, to flying saucer. That is, the belief of living beings from another planet. They believe that a spacecraft will come from a far to pick them up because they are very special. They are the chosen ones or so. This sort of cults are liable to recruit well to do people in order to sponsor their cause and keep spreading it all. Long ago in Jonestown, Guyana, a woman was murdered for speaking out against a cult. Years after this unfortunate tragedy, members of this same cult, including children, adults passed away of suicide in that town.

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