Friday, July 18, 2014

            Old people
To get old means not that you have experience of the life, it also means that you have lived enough to get known your relatives like gran children and so on. Elderly people sometimes are not treated respectfully or lovely some believes that old people are a burden who their families have to support. In this country, I've seen how some people treat old people who don't have anything  or haven't gotten enough to live a comfortable old age. Especially those who has some disability I've seen that are used to beg on the street where they pass the whole day asking just a little of bread to eat. It is really sad to see this kind of mistreatment. I usually buy at Ole's where every morning you can see a elderly carry by her gran daughter on a chair wheel to beg. There he pass the whole day begging, and none of his families goes to carry him a little of bread. This is common in our country. This family treats this elderly inhuman condition, but nobody cares or stops to think of this treatment of this human been.

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