Tuesday, October 18, 2016


From my point of view an addiction is when someone has the habit to do something continuosly therefore can not keep the control of it. Most of the time the person doesn't know that they are becoming addicted because they think they're doing something normal, but that's the problem do not recognize that they're involved  in a negative routine that can have many consequences. There are many kind of additions such as compulsive shopper, addicted to surf, addicted to gambling, addicted to sex, addicted to clean, etc... One of the way to solve this problem is looking for professional help and takes the therapy, the process it will be hard but at the end the results will be possitive. In my case I consider my self  addicted to clean, why I said tha't? because I used to do the same every day in the morning, I clean everything from the first floor to the second, fot that's reason my neighbors says that I am crazy, I recognize that sometimes I exaggerate but to me that's something normal, is only that I like to keep everything in harmony and clean.

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