Thursday, April 11, 2013


FENG SHUI  is a Chinese system believed to use the laws of both Heaven and Earth to help one improve life by receiving positive. (Wikipedia)
Historically FENG SHUI was widely used to orient buildings often spiritually significant  structures such as tombs but also dwellings and other structures in a auspicious manner.
FENG SHUI meaning ´Wind and Water ´in Chinese, is an ancient form of geomancy, or the art of arranging the physical surrondings to create harmony and good luck.                                                                            

To the Chinese, good life means having comfortable, prosperous and healthy life.

In FENG SHUI, a lot of your luck is dependent on your parent´s luck until the day you get married.
FENG SHUI happens to be a great and accessible avenue so anyone is welcome to take it or leave it.

FENG SHUI can help you to organize your life, live in harmony with the environment,  and you can achieve a perfect balance between you and your home.

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