Monday, December 12, 2011


A cult is a system (most of the time religious system) whose belief and practices are considered abnormal or bizarre.

I don't know why,but these cults are always talking about the end of the world,the final judgment, heaven or hell., What the should really talk is about love one to each other.

These types of cults are always looking for ''the truth'' !!! I don't know what do they call the truth?? The truth of what? About life ? Happiness ??
I know one thing : ''Life is just one.''
We must live as we want to, Do whatever we want to,whenever we want to (of course without causing hurt other people).

The leader of a cult most of  the time is a tricky and manipulative person,he use strategies to convince others to do what he wants.    

                                                                              JONATHAN ABREU M#AA6999

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