Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hard Tongue Twister Phrases
  • Despite the statistics, his next guest is optimistic.
  • A big bug bit a bold bald bear on the bum and the bold bald bear bled blood badly.
  • I wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the witch's wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
  • Bill Badger brought the bear a bit of boiled bacon in a brown bag.
  • Upper roller , lower roller (3x).
  • Episcopalians sip spiked punch at parties
  • Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons -- Balancing them badly.
  • The Leith police dismisseth us.
  • Can you can a canned can into an uncanned can like a canner can can a canned can into an uncanned can?
  • Do scientists see thieves seize skies? If scientists see thieves seize skies, then where are the skies, the scientists see the thieves seize?
  • Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?
  • I am a mother pheasant plucker. I pluck mother pheasants. I am the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker who ever plucked mother pheasants.
  • I'm not the sheet slitter, I'm the sheet slitter's son. But I'll slit sheets till the sheet slitter comes.
  • Red Leather, Yellow Leather (3x Fast)
  • Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers (3x Fast)
  • Three Smart Fellows, they all felt smart (3x Fast)
  • Sunshine City (3x Fast)
  • If you must cross a coarse cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.
  • Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.
  • Six swift Swiss ships swiftly shift.
  • There are two minutes difference from four to two to two to two, from two to two to two,
  • Does the rapid rabid rabbit wrap it?
  • The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
(This is the World's Hardest Tongue Twister, according to Guinness World Records.) [citation needed]
  • Unique New York Unique New York You know you need Unique New York.
  • Give Papa a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee cup.
  • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  • I shot the city sheriff with the city sheriff's gun. (3 times fast)
  • Two tall boys, Take two ties, To tie two poles, To two tall trees.
  • Mumbling bumbling band of Baboons (3x fast)
  • Seventeen slimy slugs in shiny sombreros sat singing short sad songs.
  • She had shoulder surgery.
  • She sells sea shells in the sea shore
  • Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.
  • Thirty-three thin Finns throw forty-three frogs into four Thracian theatres.
  • The Awfullest Thistle: The successful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, stuck three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb.
  • Toy Boat (3x)
  • Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop;
One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.
  • Which witch winds white weasel wool well?

  • I am a thistle sifter. I have a sift of sifted thistles and a sift of unsifted thistles. Because I am a thistle sifter.
Hard Tongue Twister Poems:
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter,
The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter,
And made her batter bitter,
But a bit of better butter makes better batter,
So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

Purple, paper, people,
Purple, people, paper,
People, purple, paper,
Paper, purple, people,

I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate,
And I'm only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's late.
I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son,
And I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant pluckers come.


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