Sunday, December 11, 2011


                                               FENG SHUI

Feng  Shui is an ancient art  developed in China. It teaches us how to balance the energies of any given space to assure good health and good fortune for people who live in that place.
I'm not pretty sure if feng  shui really works, I think that if you are in peace with yourself, with your conscience and if you believe in God things will work just fine.

I m skeptical, I just don't believe that if you feel sick all you have to do is place plants in every corner of the house and  miraculously you will feel better or if you paint the living Room of some specific color you will win the lottery, It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I believe that some people are destined to succeed; of course if you study, prepare,work hard and focus onwhat you want, you will get everything you propose to.
If Feng Shui were truth, there were no poorness (poverty), everybody were rich, there were not illness or disease. 

Donald Trump says that he doesn't move a muscle without the advice of a Feng Shui expert, it has been very helpful for him, but there are Millions of people who don’t practice these arts and they are as healthy and rich as Donald trump, you just have to Work hard.

                                                                                                        JONATHAN ABREU  M#AA6999                                

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