Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Years ago I worked with an interior designer who introduced me into Feng Shui´s belief because she was using the principles of it in her life and work.

The first time we met, she felt confortable with me and told me that we were going to be good friends, just because she knew my date of bith, that was fun and then she tried to find the right place to put my desk, because according to Fung Shui everybody has four directions which are favorable and four which not. If you ask me, I am not agree with this belief, I think that is superstition and faith of people working together. I can´t dany many of these techniques are good and make good to people who are using them but no because it has a special force or energy.

Well, here things that I used working with her.

The Bagua:

The Feng Shui bagua is the most valuable tool of Feng Shui used to help understand how environment relates to the various aspects of life. Wealth, reputation, love, family and health, travel and helpful acquaintances, career, wisdom, children and creativity are the main life areas; Each can be represented by a corresponding area on the bagua map.
Feng Shui Bagua

The Red Color:

feng Shui color theory red means energy, good luck, courage, passion, marriage, faith and communication. The emotions that it is associated with include anger, irritation, passion, courage and outrage.

The ideal location for the color red is nearly always in the middle back wall, as you stand in the doorway looking inside, this is the Fame area of any room or generally in your home, check out the Bagua map for more clarification.

The coins:

The Feng Shui coin has a square in the middle with four different Chinese symbols around it. This square represents the energy of the earth while the round shape of the coin represents the energy of the heaven. When the red ribbon is tied in different ways it represents different types of luck and can interpret the inflow of Chi in various ways. Other than being the Chinese symbol of wealth and prosperity, they are also known to fight off negative energy that can be source of diseases, physical harm and bad luck.

The best place to put a Feng Shui coin is the northwest side of the house.According to bagua map, the northwest of any place corresponds to prosperity life area and therefore placing Feng Shui coins is known to be beneficial. Some people hang Feng Shui coins from their front door in certain positions to block the negative energy from entering their houses and affecting their lives. The Feng Shui coins can also be hung around in places of business like near a cash register or around bank tellers to help create wealth for the people around them.

The Stones:

Feng shui stones are commonly used as charm bracelets, necklaces, and sometimes used in jewelry.

The common ones are rose quartz, jade, amethyst, peridot, and many others. Feng shui stones have several meanings and are widely used for healing purposes.

Here is a quick list of some of the most common stones being used and their meaning and purpose.

Amber - It is known to protect the health and eases body pains. The stone is said to relieve headaches, infections, body pains, toothaches, and many others.

Amethyst - Also known as the "peace stone", amethyst is a great stress buster and fights off migraine and skin diseases. It is also used to boost one's immune system.

Peridot - This stone opens the door for opportunities and is known to reduce stress and relaxes the mind.

Rose Quartz - Also known as the "Love Stone", the rose quartz eases up sexual and emotional problems between partners. It clears negative feelings such as anger, resentment, and jealousy. For single people, the rose quartz also helps you find love and long-term relationships.

Jade - This stone inspires the mind to make quick but good decisions. It is a good luck stone that brings wealth as well as good health.

Green Emerald - This stone is called the "Crystal of Abundance". It is good for people who are forgetful as it aids the memory. It enhances prosperity, patience, and love.

Serpentine - This stone is commonly worn by Roman travelers way back then for protection of any unseen danger. This stone is usually found on bedrocks.

Blue Sapphire - Also called the "Stone of Holy Blessings" brings in prophetic wisdom and protection to the one using it. It is known to instill hope, faith, and joy to the bearer.

Hematite - It is known as a powerful blood purifier and aids in circulating oxygen in the body. It is good for people with blood disorders, diabetes, leg cramps, and many others. It also attracts abundance and opens up new opportunities.

These are just some of the feng shui stones widely used by many people and are available on most Chinese shops and jewelry stores. Think about your life and your personal dreams, then make a selection that is right for you!.

By Mirla Duran

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