Saturday, September 3, 2016

chocolate addiction

Resultado de imagen para chocolate addictIdentify the symptoms. Not all researchers in the field of psychology perceive chocolate addiction as a "true addiction",[1]. However, some researchers believe that the release of endorphins brought about by consuming chocolate creates a physical dependency to obtain that mood high again and again, thereby suggesting it is possible to be addicted to chocolate.[2] Any way you look at it, your addiction to chocolate is definitely real and very hard to resist if you have become accustomed to consuming it. If you have uncontrollable cravings for chocolate, these may be some of the signs:
  • You feel "conditioned" to need it at certain times of the day (the post-lunch afternoon dip being one good example).
  • You salivate more in the presence of chocolate, or at the thought of it.
  • You feel negative or anxious without it, and feel better for having it.[3]


  1. Every addiction is negative! Involving people in a vicious circle.

  2. All lottery winners have secrets they will never share with the public 90% will keep the secret of their success to the grave, but in this life of no mans own, you have to help others in other for you to gain more help in the future, it been seven years now I have been playing the lottery the highest win I won was $400, Night and day something inner always tell me that there is a perfect way to win the lottery so I continue my search which leads me to Dr. Agbazara the great Spellcaster, I read so many testimonies on how he has helped a lot of people to win the lottery and other problems. I contacted him and he also did a lottery ritual for me and in no distance time, I won $1,356,200 (One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars), Dr. Agbazara you are my life and all. You can contact him and testify for yourself. His Email on: ( )
