Friday, February 27, 2015

Unit 1 - The Internet And Other Addictions.

       Resultado de imagen para adictosResultado de imagen para sexo por internet

For many years people have been used the internet , some of them like a hobby, others like a way to find new dates for a relationship, but the truth is that now a days internet it's like an addiction, such as drugs, alcohol or even sex.
The problem starts when you begin to neglect your diet,your health,your marriage and last but not least your family.

The internet is a good tool but, when you are using it with sense.
For instance: We can look tons of english materials such as, books, magazines, songs ,movies , and so on and so forth.
Meet people from another country and culture,practice our language with them and who knows maybe get married and have our visa. ( LoL.)
But the point is that we have to use the benefit of the net and take advantage of that.

On the other hand, if we are depending too much of anything no matter what it is, that's the signal that we need professional help, I mean we were born without any of that stuffs , So that means that we can live without any of it.

So enjoy your life,have fun,hang out with your family, that's one of the best things in life and is real and for free.

A big problem in the net is the abused, specially the porn,that has been destroying families over the years. some men see those beautiful,sexy and gorgeous women and then they start to reject their wives,because they dont have those bodies.(and the rest we know how could end).

The first step to overcoming an addiction is to recognize the disease and then seek the appropriate help depending on the situation and take time to recover, everything is possible if you believe in yourself.
Resultado de imagen para adictos al internetResultado de imagen para matrimonios destruidos por infidelidad
Resultado de imagen para adictosResultado de imagen para adictos al internet
Resultado de imagen para mujeres sexy de la netResultado de imagen para mujeres sexy de la netResultado de imagen para adictos al internetResultado de imagen para adictosResultado de imagen para adictos

Resultado de imagen para adictosResultado de imagen para adictos al internet

Resultado de imagen para matrimonios destruidos por infidelidad

Resultado de imagen para sexo por internetNelson Eliezer Espertin Olivier - 100052800.

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