Monday, April 30, 2012

Toast to the tap: The water we drink.

In the past, people used to drink water from the faucet but nowaday it is very dangerous to drink water from the faucet because it has many impurities.

Selling water on the street with little trucks is a very good business because people are afraid of drinking water from the faucet. They say that the water that is sold in these little trucks or "camioncitos" is treated and it has less bacterias. It is better for some people because they have money to buy the water, but some people dont even have money to buy food and they have to use and drink water from the faucet (it is not a good idea) eventhough they dont die or get sick.

 There are many polluted rivers and some water treatment plants dont work properly, so I think that people shouldnt drink tap water. They should do the chores (cooking, washing, mopping, cleaning, ironing) with that type of water. In order to keep healthy, we should know where the water we drink comes from. We should all drink potable water such as: Planeta Azul, Dasani and other recognized water treatment plants.

I live in Pantoja. We have no problems with tap water because Isabela river is very close to us. Besides, We have our own water treatment plant and we have those "camioncito de agua" selling us water all the day but we dont buy any kind of water! We know which water to buy!

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