Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tap water # 2
Tap water system in Dominican Republic is not healthy because the water from the faucet sometimes comes to a fetid smell and the pipes are contaminated  most of their time because poor people who live in the banks of river defecate in the water, and this situation provokes a lot of sicknesses because illiterate people don't have conscience about the situation; in addition, they don't like to pay public services as water service from CAASD, electrical service from CDEEE, and garbage service from the City Hall.

Also we have to say that the official authorities have never been interested about water service fixing because they don't care about these kind of reparations because they just care the luxurious constructions in the urban areas of Santo Domingo as subways, tunnels, and elevated bridges because they want to appear as New York;nevertheless, many areas of my country are in difficult situations.


  1. What do you mean when you say that illiterate people don´t have conscious about the situation???? I don´t think that the fact that a person doesn´t know how to read or write makes him\her unconscious about what is happening around.... In fact there are many illiterate people who have very good manners, and who know what is going on in this country...

  2. I understand your opinion Julissa, but if you make a difference comparison between literate people and Illiterate people you are going to know that illiterate people for lack of knowledge made a lot of kind of mistakes because they just remain complaint for everything and they justify their bad actions,also I have to say that literate people make many mistakes and sometimes they are worst than illiterate people because they are ambitious and wicked people granted that they poisoned the river because they are manufacture owner's.

  3. About the water in Dominican Republic

    Talking about water in Dominican Republic, is to speak of contamination, virus, desease, bacteria and risk of deth a the some time. specially when we refer to public water. what´s the reason to conclude like so? because of lack of security and confidence in the minister in charge of acomplish this task.
    Drinking water that comes up from the piping without any treatment would be to be exposed to any stomach ilness, that´s why is not recomendated to drink this water. Please dominican people it´s time to work for a good potable water!!!
