Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am Wagner Crispin Perez who write  some information about the world cults it also has other names like theordotempli orientist (O.T.O) also known as the orden of the temple of the east. A known satanist ocultist and a form of agnotic order.
The creepy cult is branded to include sexual rituals that are both heterosexual and homosexual in nature. And it is a system of masonic style of sexual magic, however, the O.T.O still  restricts acess to it inner secrets.
Acording to hindu mythology and practice beliefs, every thing eminates from Brahman therefore, there is no evil , the aghori believe everery thing to be God itself and to abandon any thing would be equivalent of a bandiming God.
This is the bizarre philosophy followed by the Aghori Baba.

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