Sunday, May 13, 2012

Feng Shui

I´ve heard about Feng Shui thousands of time in movies, magazines, news paper, but I must confess that I thought it was a kind of exercise very a like to yoga. I was never interested in to get to know about Feng Shiu until I read about it in my English book. I didn´t know Feng Shui was very important in the human being life, because it totally stabilize them economically, physically, psychologically etc. What I learned about this topic was that Feng Shui has many advantages such as: tun your bad mood into good mood, your incomes arise, your life is healthier and so on. The only bad about Feng Shui is that it is kind of expensive so not many people can afford it, , but I think is is worthy because you are not just going to be comfortable physically but also psychologically

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