Monday, May 14, 2012


I've never heard about the meaning of that, even though that word, until three or four weeks ago in my English classroom. When was time to start the unit related to Feng Shui. I agree with some things we were talking about in the classroom, I disagreed with others. The most that I agree with is the one that says depending on what kind of color you dress on your feelings also are. And that's true because I have noticed when I have a glad mood I wear light bright color just like yellow, green, orange. When I feel more confident, romantic, funny, comfortable, and sometimes clumsy with myself I usually wear light pink, dark pink, and purple. When I am sad or bored I wear black clothesand so on. When we were doing our listening exercises in the book, someone said that it is not recommendable to place mirrors in the bedroom, but I don't believe it too much, because i.e. in this country most of the people not to say everybody place mirrors in their bedrooms, and I haven't heard a weird story about that nor I haven't had a bad experience on it until now and I hope I haven't. I also like when that person said it is not good to give your back to any gate or entry because that's not secure, someone could attack yourself and couldn't notice.

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