Sunday, October 30, 2011

feng shui

As one an another definitions we can say that : is an ancient beliefs regarding the good an evil influences inherent in natural features, specially in the siting and design of homes, offices etc.
A lot of people around the world are believing today faithful in the feng shui practice. They don`t move anything without consulting feng shui. This happen because they thing that some good luck o bad luck could happen to them.
For example, someone belive in a mirror out of order even touch this is broken could give them very bad luck too.
It`s say that some place in the house, as the kidsroom or another place that is painting with x color afect directly the feeling of people specially in childrens.
Soft colors and clear colors as the blue color because they give them peace and quiet.

So much things we can say about the feng shui in this moment that a lot of people would like to say too.

However, my real opinion is always that according are your things, you are.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting investigation..

    tell me about the differnt tono of color.
