Friday, March 18, 2011


Causes of depression

Older people are more likely to blame their depression on events or social circumstances. But while the death of a partner or friends, or coping with a chronic illness are important contributory factors, there are real biological changes that account for depression.

Brain-imaging studies have shown that in depression the brain circuits responsible for regulating mood, thinking, sleep, appetite and behaviour all fail to work properly. The chemicals that brain cells use to communicate with each other, called neurotransmitters, become out of balance. This happens in young and old alike and is always abnormal.

Several conditions can lead to depression in the elderly, including heart problems, low thyroid activity (hypothyroidism), vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency and cancer.

Many drugs also cause, aggravate or trigger depression, including beta-blockers, blood pressure drugs, heart drugs such as digoxin, steroids and sedatives.

Depression often occurs after a stroke, and getting it treated may be critical to restoring normal abilities.

Articly by Dr. Trisha Macnair

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