Sunday, February 19, 2012


Alcoholism is an addiction that can split the family because it creates many embarrassing situation in our lives  like driving drunk on the weekends provoking accidents in the highways, and a few car collisions damage hurting innocent people in the way, also alcoholism it  provokes drugs influence in your life, and alcoholics could be exposed in violent facts due to alcohol effects,besides alcoholism effects can worst your job milieu because your friends start to complaint due to your strange behavior caused by alcohol.

Alcoholism  destroy the mental capability and you become a forgetful  person because the alcoholic people just want to think in alcohol everyday, and they don't care anything else so, they become melancholic, sad, embittered, frustrated and most of their time aggressive because their adrenaline rise each time that they inherit alcohol but there are solutions for this problem like a therapy in groups of anonymous alcoholic that can help this kind of person even in the extreme situations.                                        

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