Thursday, July 11, 2013

sentences with the vocablulary from unit two, using the prefix.

  • Nowadays there are youngest people  inactive than old age, because they are lazy
  •  when you are more than 96 you can´be independient because your agin.
  •  many centenarians are interested in  inconventional activities due to their need to capacity.
  •  the mayority of centenarians heve an  irregular time to sleep.
  •  is really hard to say, but when people are getting old  the become forgeful and then, spouse or friend bacamean unfamiliar face.
  •  eventhough many people become old, they don´t want to be inactive.
  • when  i have a cold like runy nose, congestion, sneezing and body pain a take  a tabcin daytime and it does the trick.
  •  my grand father was a centenarian, he died at the age of 106 and was an avid driver truck.
  • Many ramirez is the best basseball player,his clame to fame is that hi has done a lot of home run.
  •  the psychology decided to carry out the interview because the lack of information.
  • many centenarians wear different kind of clothing,but other are finicky.
  • when my grandmother first took up english class, she was 75 years old.
  •  my father -in-law swers by a flor de tilo tea to keep him awake .

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