Sunday, July 21, 2013

Feng Shui

An art and a Science that is concerned with creating both physical and psychological comfort.
In English Feng Shui, literary meaning "Wind-Water".
Even though many Chinese practitioners believe that the arrangement of the elements in our environment may affect many aspects of our lives, for example: health, happiness, future, or fortune, others disapprove it and they claiming that  Feng Shui is a superstitious and unscientific.
Feng Shui, historically, was widely used to orient buildings.
The theory behind Feng Shui is that there is an invisible energy called CHI, that is like electricity and it is the basic principle of this art.
The main objective of Feng shui is to teach us how to be in harmony and balance with nature. and for this reason there are some rules about organizing the clutter inside the rooms or what things we can use in some specific place. For example: The mirror we cannot use inside the bedroom but we can use it in the kitchen or they recomend never sit down with the back to the door and other things like that.
Finally, if you want to know more about Feng Shui you can obtain more information surfing on the net or consulting self help recovery books, which provide guidance about the topic.

File:Fengshui Compass.jpg

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