Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Feng Shui: Physical and Psychological Comfort.

Mirrors in the bedroom: Not a good idea according to
Feng Shui. 
This time I  would like to take the opportunity to share an anecdote about something that I experienced 2 months ago. The thing is that I made a few changes in my bedroom,those changes were mainly replacing the regular doors of my closet with new ones made of glass, actually mirrors, which is a tendency very used nowadays  by many people and I really liked it. That is to say that there are 6 full length mirrors facing my bed, which means that I´m able to capture every single move I make in the whole room. I must say that I´m not at all superstitious or anything like that, but the  truth is that the  first 3 weeks that I started  having all those mirrors in my bedroom I could not sleep very well. I used to wake up all of a sudden in the middle of the night, frightened, scared and with the feeling that there was somebody else in the room, staring at me. I have faith in God although I´m not religious, therefore praying for a while did the trick to fight the panic during those days. I could not explain the reason why I was feeling so weird even  though that has been my bedroom for the last 8 years, I could not tell, back then that it could be due to the mirrors. That is why last Saturday when  we were listening to interview with Kirsten Lagatree, she  said that is was not recommended to have mirrors in the bedroom, because according to her, "it could scare the heck out of you, and that it does not let your soul rest". At the very moment she said that, I told to myself  " there you go, that is why I could not sleep well for all those days". Then again,  I am not superstitious but I must say that  I strongly believe that there are some  factors that do not give us comfort in certain areas and we just ignore it or not think about it. Thank God,now I feel very nice with all my mirrors in the bedroom, because I got used to them already, but honestly speaking, it took me some time and a few sleepless nights to do so. In conclusion, I think that the situation that I explained before is a very example that is not recommended to have mirrors facing your bed.

See below some pictures of full length mirrors and beautiful bedrooms with Feng shui,found on the web.

Full length mirrors.

Feng Shui bedrooms.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Beautiful bedrooms.who does not feel comfort in a room like this,huh ?
