Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shyness: An enemy of personal development

Shyness never takes us to a place of success. It’s necessary to continue our way in a natural way without getting ourselves obstacles because for a good personal development we must socialize   and leave behind shyness, the only place that leads nowhere is to complain every day about what could be and not let in out.  
Shyness is usually something that is with you from an early age and although you can work on becoming more confident around people. Being shy refrains  us from many things such as our personal development because if we dare to develop social activities or if we are afraid to express ourselves to people around us at work, at school or college,  and with family members, we will not move forward and develop our human intellect.

Shy people get to create their own world. These people hold on to what makes them feel comfortable and do not leave the circle of the routine where they are. For example, many people prefer to be in front of a computer chatting with strangers instead of having a real contact with friends or co-workers, and for them it is a way to feel more comfortable with themselves, but that’s not the right way or the development that we have as people because speaking in public, being comfortable with a simple conversation without felling afraid of the person we have face to face is not a reason for us to feel uncomfortable or shy.

It’s important to have a high self-esteem to get a good personal development. You won’t be able to change your natural inclination towards introversion. If you enjoy your own company and happen to be rather quiet, this is unlikely to change and thus shyness is something that can shape your whole life, starting from when you go to school and find yourself having to interact with other people. Shyness can also affect the choices you make at school, which will ultimately shape the kind of career you end up with.

In summary, to overcome shyness we must keep in mind that we have to build confidence in ourselves, smile and make eye contact, practice good posture and speak clearly, make new friends, among many thing that are important to leave behind shyness and give importance to our personal development, and the solution of our shyness is not what we expect but what you do to overcome it.

                                                                                                      By: Emelis Sena

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