Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Toast To The Tap: The Water We Drink

 Toast To The Tap: The Water We Drink

Dominican tap water is a topic that everybody needs to know. It is a real business in this country because you have to buy drinkable water. The problem is not the tap water indeed, but the politicians, they only think in their own benefits, how much they will earn and forget about the health of people. We have to think like a nation, all of us working together to change our country because in USA people pays their taxes and the government gives them potable tap water and everything for those people who pay but here in this country you pay a high prices services and taxes but do not receive good (neither medium) quality services. In some cases the service that you pay never comes to you. Independently of the above words, it is a difficult situation what we have about tap water.  Not all places in the country have the service but the places which have it, do not receive it all time neither with the necessary pressure or quality. You need to create your own solutions as big tanks on your roof that we called it “Tinacos” or to build (if you can afford) your own cistern, which will need a water pump, pipes, etc… and electricity, another story…

Dominican Tap Water 


Fun Water Facts









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