Monday, July 14, 2014


Feng Shui's practitioners believe that the arrangement of the elements in our enviroment can affect many aspects of our lives such as health, happiness, and fortune. I totally agree with this because everything in this world has an order. And, there is people who overlook this principle, and that's why many of them do not have success.
I think, if someone wants to have success, the first step he/she has to take is to organize him/herself. when somebody is organized everything around him or her moves in the same direction because there's a control.

 on the other hand,I consider FENG SHUI like something inspiring not only regarding to decoration but as a philosophy of life that offers us importants  information for different approaches in our daily lives. And, I even think that being organized is one of best charactiristic of a good professional. there are many things else that we could say about practitioners of FENG SHUI believing. Since, success is not a issue of good luck, but It's sometwhat about  an organized hard worker. we have heard about sportmen and businessmen who have been success. They point out that their successes are built on a strictly organized base which they call good discipline. And, that is absolutely true.


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