Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The person from whom i learned about Feng Shui for the first time.

She is parapsychologist ,  She  works  in radio and television,  her  name is Karina Pereyra.
  This is  the person  from whom  I learned the following things  about the feng shui:

¨ <The first is that we must get rid old thin s  (things that did not use)  for to attract new and 
better  things.

<At the entrance gate the carpet in  front of the house for  to unload the bad vibes  from the  street, even so the Chinese  take off their shoes before entering.

<The bed should  be placed in front of the door.
<As for the placement of the mirror, this should never go in the room and it should  be  covered  by  something.

<The colors have a great influence in terms of business if we have to increase  our sales we have to use the yellow color, reason for which the Sirena  and some  famous companies use it.
<At home we always we should  have two table, s instead of one to keep the energy of your partner, it applies to single people ..

The feng shui is nice and covers many things which are real, the environment greatly influences on  our behavior and we have to feel  comfortable in our places.
Remember positive things attract positive things ....

  God bless!